Green Ninja is an investor in the stock markets of South East Asia. His focus in on Singapore shares on SGX, Singapore IPOs and Malaysian shares on Bursa as well as selected shares on HKSE. This log tracks his investments, ideas and thought processes.
Friday, 22 July 2016
Look at who has been supporting Procurri's share price! (ALERT!)
Look at who has been supporting Procurri's share price since its disastrous IPO debut!
It's none other than Mummy (Declout) herself!
Based on SGX's company announcements and disclosures by companies, Declout increased its holdings in Procurri to 47.3% from 46.5% through an open market purchase of 2 million shares for $1.1million, or an average of $0.525 per share.
See link below:
Declout increases stake in Procurri
We now have a possible explanation on why the (Procurri's) share price collapsed in the final hour of trading. "Mummy" probably gave up on the defence of the "daughter's" share price in the late afternoon of Day 1.
Declout's purchase is clearly illogical and borders on madness! Listing the daughter company (Procurri) and then buying back the shares on the very first day??!! Does Declout owe her shareholders an explanation on this?
Doesn't it have new businesses to fund?
Is there a better way for Declout to use its available funds?
So, be careful of yesterday's rebound on Day 2. It could be none other than a major shareholder supporting her own daugher's share price. In the short term, trade carefully!
Thursday, 21 July 2016
Procurri’s Disastrous IPO Market Debut will dampen retail IPO sentiment for a while
Procurri’s IPO debut ended in a disaster yesterday, Wednesday 20 July 2016. It never traded above its IPO price. After holding steady for the whole of yesterday at between 53 to 55 cents, it collapsed in the last hour of trading to close at 45 cents. That is a 20% loss for anyone who subscribed for the IPO and did not cut loss yesterday after its opening price was below water. That’s a hefty loss for one day for IPO investors and staggers. Ouch!
I did not subscribe for the IPO and neither did my family. We were put off by the high absolute pricing as well as the high PE Ratio. We can only breathe a sigh of relief and nothing more. My thoughts go out there for those who decided to take the plunge and are still holding on the shares. Analysts and experts have been giving very positive reviews about the stock and IPO, painting its future prospects rosily. So, it pays to trust your own analysis and instincts rather than to trust what the “experts” tell you.
Procurri’s IPO pricing was priced to perfection and full ripeness, at about close to 15 times price-earnings. This meant that there was very little meat left for IPO staggers to feast on. For staggers (now turned long-term investors?), the chance of making money was much lower than the risk of losing money.
It now seems like the mother company, Declout, is also being “punished” for its pricing strategy for Procurri. Following her “daughter’s” debut, Declout’s share price has also dropped to as low as 19 cents today (currently at 20 cents), which translates to a 15 – 20% loss from its earlier share price of 23.5 cents which news of Procurri’s IPO was announced. It looks like investors are upset with Declout too for being so aggressive and not leaving anything on the table for them.
Yet again, the market seems to be irrational. Procurri’s IPO debut would mean that Declout has monetized one of its key investments and freed up a lot of cash for the mother company. So, Declout’s shares should be trading up rather than down. Is this a case of sentiments ruling over logic?
Procurri’s retail IPO interest was partly sparked by the remarkable debut of an earlier IPO – Advancer Global Limited, which doubled in price on its opening debut. Spurred by this positive development, it would not be surprising that investors and staggers would have wanted to try their luck with Procurri, which with hindsight, has been disastrous.
Following the bad outcome from Procurri’s IPO debut, sentiment in the IPO market, especially for retail investors, is likely to be dampened for now until they see one or two more IPOs trading above water at least.
Anyway, the two forthcoming IPOs, Katrina Group and Wong Fong Industries have both “CHICKENED OUT” by listing through placement shares only. No retail/public tranche - folks! They probably see us retail investors as “kacang putih” and not worth their efforts. : (
And following that, it will be EC World REIT to list with the offering of 188.13 million units comprises an international placement of 180.63 million units and 7.5 million units to the Singapore general public. Each unit is priced at 81 cents. Annualised distribution yield for FY16 and FY17 is expected to be 7.1% and 7.3%.
Offhand, I am again not keen on this one, it being entirely China-focused.
So, looking forward to more IPOs to come. Good ones please……. !
Don't treat us as carrot-heads (菜头).
Monday, 18 July 2016
SMRT - Temasek Considers Taking Subway Operator SMRT Private
Updated on Wednesday, 20 July 2016, 7.00 pm
Temasek Holdings' unit Belford Investments has proposed a buyout of transport operator SMRT Corp at S$1.68 a share, in a deal that values the firm at S$2.57 billion.
The exit offer at S$1.68 per share is a 8.7 per cent premium over SMRT's last traded price of S$1.545.
(Source: Business Times)
From Dow Jones Singapore -
DJ Singapore - ''Temasek Considers Taking Subway Operator SMRT Private"
(2016/07/18 12:58PM)
By P.R. Venkat
SINGAPORE--State investment firm Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. is considering an offer to buy the remaining shares that it doesn't already own in Singapore-listed transport firm SMRT Corp., people familiar with the situation said Monday.
Temasek, which has a 54% stake in SMRT, plans to delist the company, which currently has a market capitalization of 2.4 billion Singapore dollars (US$1.78 billion), these people said.
Temasek's buyout plan comes days after the government announced a deal to take ownership of SMRT's train assets, leaving SMRT to focus on the operations and maintenance of the network. That deal is valued at S$1.1 billion, most of which would be used to repay SMRT's debt. SMRT said it doesn't intend to pay any dividends to its shareholders after the sale of the train assets.
SMRT's reputation took a major hit in December 2011 when its subway lines suffered two major breakdowns that left more than 210,000 commuters stranded.
The disruptions were the worst in the network's history, prompting public outrage, criticism of the company's wide-ranging interests, as well as a rare government inquiry--a reflection of how seriously Singapore takes its record of orderliness and efficiency.
Write to P.R. Venkat at
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
July 18, 2016 00:58 ET (04:58 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Life is more than just a spreadsheet
"Too often, we transform our lives to point us in the direction of where the money is. We sometimes compromise our quality of life so we can make a bit more. But shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t we transform our relationship with money so that it points us in the direction of life that we have always wanted?"
A nice article by Ong Shi Jie which makes a good read and some reflection on a Sunday.
It delves into the eternal conflict between work-life balance. Do we seek more money or more time for the family?
Article (in PDF format)
Life is more than just a spreadsheet (Weblink)
Source: Personal Wealth, The Edge Malaysia Weekly, on July 4 - 10, 2016.
Friday, 15 July 2016
SMRT - to transfer ownership of train assets to LTA
SMRT Corp will transfer the ownership of its rail assets, including trains and signalling systems, to the Land Transport Authority (LTA) for S$991 million.
New Rail Financing Framework (NRFF) link
This news is expected to be good for SMRT as its burden on heavy capital expenditure will be taken away.
Update (Monday 18 July 2016, 11.00 am)
SMRT is still halted from trading this morning. It goes ex-dividend today for 2.5 cents.
At the previous closing price of $1.545, the ex-dividend price should be $1.53.
Current queue price is $1.50 (ie. minus 3 cents)
At this price, the news appears to be taken mildly negatively by shareholders and investors. This could be due to 2 reasons:
i. Disappointed that there is no special dividend despite the huge cash bonanza.
ii. The lower profitability as margins will be capped under new framework.
Update (Monday 18 July 2016, 3.00 pm) - SMRT Still Halted
DJ Singapore
Temasek Considers Taking Subway Operator SMRT Private
By P.R. Venkat
SINGAPORE--State investment firm Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. is considering an offer to buy the remaining shares that it doesn't already own in Singapore-listed transport firm SMRT Corp., people familiar with the situation said Monday.
Temasek, which has a 54% stake in SMRT, plans to delist the company, which currently has a market capitalization of 2.4 billion Singapore dollars (US$1.78 billion), these people said.
Temasek's buyout plan comes days after the government announced a deal to take ownership of SMRT's train assets, leaving SMRT to focus on the operations and maintenance of the network. That deal is valued at S$1.1 billion, most of which would be used to repay SMRT's debt. SMRT said it doesn't intend to pay any dividends to its shareholders after the sale of the train assets.
SMRT's reputation took a major hit in December 2011 when its subway lines suffered two major breakdowns that left more than 210,000 commuters stranded.
The disruptions were the worst in the network's history, prompting public outrage, criticism of the company's wide-ranging interests, as well as a rare government inquiry--a reflection of how seriously Singapore takes its record of orderliness and efficiency.
Write to P.R. Venkat at
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
July 18, 2016 00:58 ET (04:58 GMT)
Copyright (c) 2016 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Thursday, 14 July 2016
SGX temporaily ceases trading (14 July 2016) at 1138 hrs - How will this hit Noble Group traders? Are speculators caught?
SGX temporarily ceased trading today 14 July 2016 at 11:38 hrs.
First Announcement (11.50 am)
1st Update at 12:39 hrs - says that trading expected to resume at 1400 hrs.
1st Update at 12:39 hrs
2nd Update at 13:53hrs - that trading not ready to resume due to
ongoing reconciliation.
2nd update at 13:53 hrs
How is this going to affect Noble Group rights traders today?
Oh dear... how is this going to affect traders and speculators of Noble rights shares? The rights cease trading today 14 July 2016 at 5.00 pm!
For those traders and speculators who are still caught with the rights shares without the intention of holding on to them or subscribing to them, they must be sweating it out right now.
If the trading halt is not lifted, they will have no option but to subscribe to the rights or forfeit them.
Noble Group is certainly not having much luck these days. What a day for something like this to happen....
3rd Update at 15:22 hrs -
SGX confirms that order and trade executions are accurate. The market will resume trading at 1600 hours and open per normal on 15 July 2016. 3rd Update at 15:22 hrs A lifeline opens for those who are still exposed, 1 hour to clear all oustanding trades! GOOD LUCK to all. | |
The 4.00 pm scheduled resumption of trade has passed. Market still halted.
What's happening....
Update 4 - 16:03 hrs
SGX informs that the market will not resume trading at 1600 hours and will not re-open today. | |
4th Update

Oh dear. The worst scenario has happened. Market is not going to reopen today! My goodness.. what's going to happen to those with outstanding positions in Noble's Rights shares??
Dreadful! Will a lot of speculators and traders be caught? ...........
Final Update (15 July 2016)
Good News! SGX has given Noble a reprieve. Noble rights trading has been extended for a further day on 15 July 2016. Good luck to all investors, speculators and traders.
[ Richard Elman's outstanding position is as follows: Rights entitlement (as of 30 June): 1.46 bn; Rights holdings (as of 13 July): 889.5m, Outstanding excess rights: 263.6m)
Final Update (15 July 2016)
Good News! SGX has given Noble a reprieve. Noble rights trading has been extended for a further day on 15 July 2016. Good luck to all investors, speculators and traders.
[ Richard Elman's outstanding position is as follows: Rights entitlement (as of 30 June): 1.46 bn; Rights holdings (as of 13 July): 889.5m, Outstanding excess rights: 263.6m)
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